There’s only so much studying you can do on your own. No matter how much you read your ACT test prep books, no matter how much material you cover, no matter how many ACT study questions you answer, eventually you’ll find that there are still things you simply can’t seem to mater. This is why you should consider receiving college test prep tutoring.
Having a tutor to help you do test prep review allows you to process information in new ways, which creates stronger memories. The stronger the memory, the easier it is to recall the information, like say when a question asks about it on the ACT.
However, tutoring does not necessarily guarantee that you or any other student will master the material. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your test prep review time with your tutor.
Be Prepared.
How can you and your tutor get any test prep review done if you don’t come prepared to work? When going to your tutor, be sure to bring any and all materials you may need, including your books, notes, writing materials, calculators, flashcards, and whatever else.
Be Participant.
Why bother getting a tutor if you’re just going to sit there when they try to help you do your test prep review? You need to participate. Ask questions about things you don’t quite understand. Have the tutor rephrase things to get a firm grasp on the concept. Work through problems with them. Basically, don’t let them do your test prep review for you. Work with them.
Be Attentive.
What can you do to remember what your tutor explains? Take notes, of course. Jot things down as your tutor helps you do your test prep review on any new material. Writing things down will help reinforce your brain’s acquisition of new information.
If you have any questions about making the most of your tutoring sessions, feel free to ask in the comments. More info like this.