With the level of responsibility and commitment required to become a deputy sheriff, saying it’s no simple feat is an understatement. Many work hard to fulfill the duties of the position, however, there are multiple options available to best fit the needs of those seeking to become one. Understanding the deputy sheriff recruitment and education process can help people choose the best path for them.
Some colleges offer a two-year degree program to become a deputy sheriff. In this two-year program, students will study to learn everything about what the job entails, the rules, and the regulations.
After their completion, they will have the opportunity to apply for jobs to begin their career. This path may be beneficial to those less keen on in-classroom learning, however, can come with a greater learning curve when beginning the job.
Other programs as designed for four years. These often involve additional opportunities and internships that can provide value in-field experience. Additionally, these internships can be a valuable resource for developing relationships with departments in the area, making it easier to find a career after graduation.
For additional information on the deputy sheriff recruitment and education process, please review the attached video.