From philosophy lectures to history courses and math lectures, there are many ways in which you can expand your mind at any point in your life. In fact, the vast majority of adults who are currently living in the United States – as much as seventy three percent of them, very nearly an entire three fourths of the whole adult population of the United States – feels that they will continue to learn the entirety of the their lives, a type of person that we refer to as a lifelong learner. And philosophy and math lectures and history classes can be for simply that: the pursuit of a higher education. But such classes such as philosophy lectures can also be a part of a curriculum geared at advancing in the work force or even starting over in a brand new career, something it is never truly too late for.
In fact, pursuing a passion is becoming more and more accessible to children of all ages and all backgrounds in the United States, such as through science experiments for kids online, which lets kids explore a subject and a topic that they are interested in even outside of a school environment. And while kids might not be all too interested in philosophy lectures quite yet (though many of them will grow up to appreciate philosophy lectures as part of a well rounded education, typically at the collegiate level), science courses are likely to engage kids in a way that other subjects might not be able to. And for children who love science, the future looks bright. This is because job creation and growth in the area of STEM is consistently growing, expected and projected to rise by as much as thirteen percent – very nearly one full fifth – by the time that we reach the year of 2027, now less than then years away from the current year of 2018. And for those who enter into a job in a STEM field, they are likely to receive a wage and salary that is much higher than the national average, giving them a strong start to their life as a member of the work force of the United States.
But from philosophy and math lectures to science classes to math courses, it is hugely important to encourage people of all ages – but particularly young children – that they are more capable than they may realize. This is particularly true for young girls who show an interest in the field of science, as women have been chronically underrepresented in STEM fields for years and years at this point, struggling to gain success and support in a difficult field. And it’s not that girls don’t express an interest in such subjects. In fact, the very opposite is true, with very nearly seventy five percent of all girls of a middle school age in this country expressing an interest in the fields of engineering, science, as well as math. By the time that these girls reach college, less than one half of a percent will actually go on to pursue a computer science major. This feeling extends past college, with more women than men believing they are bad at math of the thirty percent of all adults in the United States feeling that they did not have adequate math skills.
From philosophy and math lectures to science and math lectures, education is hugely important – and it is never to late to pursue your own. College students come in all shapes and sizes, from the recent high school graduate to someone going back to school after their children leave the nest (so to speak). It is important that we encourage all types of different learners, men and women alike, adults and children both, in all of the different fields that they show an interest in. Education should be for everyone, and those who have been discouraged by it, such as many women who at first showed an interest in math lectures or entering a STEM field, a field typically dominated by men, should be particularly uplifted and encouraged in their process towards learning a subject they enjoy and even bettering their lives in the process and along the way.