Medically speaking, urinary tract infections include bacterial, viral, and fungal infections in all parts of the urinary system. A urethra infection is called urethritis, a bladder infection is called cystitis, and a kidney infection is called pyelonephritis.
The most dangerous urinary tract infections are kidney infections. These are exceptionally dangerous because the kidneys are directly connected to the bloodstream, so the infection can become systemic.
This can quickly lead to death.
Common symptoms of urinary tract infections include pain with urination, foul-smelling urine, cloudy urine, and abdominal pain. Simple at-home tests can help patients determine if they need to see a medical professional about these symptoms.
Common pharmacological treatments for these infections include antibiotics, antifungal medications, fever-reducing medications. Along with these treatments, doctors recommend that patients stay well hydrated, void their bladder every two to three hours, and use warm sitz baths for pain.
Sometimes, patients with severe urinary tract infections must be monitored in a hospital setting and treated with IV antibiotics. These infections are typically resistant to most standard treatments and have already reached the kidneys.
If you have any signs of any kind of urinary tract infection or if you get a positive result on an at-home test, it’s essential to contact a doctor as soon as possible.