These are confusing times.
When parents across the country are purchasing backpack inserts to protect their children in the event of an active shooter, it should come as no surprise that there are a number of parents who are a little stressed about knowing how to pick a preschool. And while there are many people who think that there are no safe spaces any more, the reality is that you simply cannot fear that every day is going to be a brush with danger. Instead, it is important to make sure that you are surrounding your child with the things that should be part of a child’s life. From friends to academics to outdoor time to making new friends, it is important to make sure that you are able to feel good about the school where you take your children.
Finding the Right Preschool Classroom Is an Important Start to Your Child’s Education
Working parents find themselves in a position where they need an all day preschool setting, even in the summer. If you are paying for a full time setting, though, it is important to make sure that you select a place that offers more than just a babysitting service. Knowing how to pick a preschool involves checking out references, visiting classes, and talking to teachers.
For families who have a stay at home parent, finding a half day preschool is often the best solution. For these parents, knowing how to pick a preschool involves locating a place that makes the best use of the time when your child is in class. Academics will always be important, but it is also essential that a school helps model healthy play relationships and the opportunity to know how to work with others.
Preschool teachers are some of the most important people in the world to families. These teachers are the ones who help not only children, but the parens as well. They help entire families make the difficult transition into moving a child from being in home all of the time to spending time in classrooms with their peers. And while these transitions are a challenge for the child, they can be equally challenging for parents. It can be difficult for parents to realize that their children are able to start exploring times away from their parents.
Knowing How to Pick a Preschool Can Help Parents Feel Good About Their Child’s Academic Future
Academics, social skills, and educational philosophy are all important aspects of the right preschool. And while it is difficult to fully evaluate any learning environment from a single visit or reading a website, parents who take the time to make several visits, interview teachers, and research different educational philosophies are often the happiest with the decisions that they make.
Make Several Visits. You simply cannot get a feel for how a preschool runs if you only visit once. If it is a place where you are considering sending your child, it should be worth your time to visit on several occasions. Some preschools even have open houses where you might have the opportunity to talk to the parents of current students. It can also be very helpful to visit during drop of time to get an idea of how the staff helps children make this first transition of the day.
Interview Teachers. Nearly 51% of the three to five year-olds who were enrolled in preschool programs in 2015 attended full-day programs. If you are one of the parents who are going to send your child to a full day setting, it is very important that you get a chance to get to know the teacher who will be spending so much time with your child. Being able to watch the teacher interact with a class is also a helpful way to know if a particular teacher will be a good fit for your child.
Research Educational Philosophies. There are many different kinds of preschool philosophies. Making sure you are comfortable with the method that is used at the preschool you select is essential. If, for instance, you are a proponent of a Montessori setting you might struggle if you put your child in a classroom that uses one worksheet after another during the academic part of the day.