All parents are heavily invested in the education of their children, since a good education is the foundation for that child’s future success. Therefore, when a family moves to a new area or when their child first becomes old enough for preschool, the parents may look up local preschools for their child’s early childhood education. This is not compulsory, as K-12 education is, but many parents choose to send their children to a local preschool since the benefits of preschool childcare are many. Academic preschool activities may help a child learn how to learn and prepare him or her for their K-12 education, and give them a sort of head start. Many parents would like that, so they may seek good preschools in their area and visit them in person for an evaluation. Something similar might be done for summer camp programs, and these summer camp programs may be a great idea for a parent’s elementary or middle-school aged child. Looking for summer camp programs may be done similarly to finding a good preschool. How might this work?
Summer Camp Programs
The American school year schedule is a relic from the times when school children were let out of class during a long summer break to help their parents on the family farm or similar enterprises. This is not the case today, but summer vacation remains, and some kids might get a little bored and restless in that time. But summer camp programs are there to not only fill that time, but give that child a chance to see new places and meet new people, learn some skills and teamwork, and much more. Parents may look for summer camp programs as the current school year draws to a close, and they may arrange transport for their child to those summer camp programs if need be. A camp may be accessible by bus, for example, or in some cases the parents may live close enough to privately drive their child there. But this isn’t just summer school; the child may have a great time learning new skills and with outdoor activities and sports at that camp, and meet many other kids of their age group. And this may give the parents some much-wanted quiet time, too.
Finding Good Preschools
What about finding a preschool for one’s child? This isn’t just a daycare; a preschool is somewhere where expert staff (mostly women) will prepare a child for their future education, a sort of early kindergarten. Many American parents are sending their three to five-year-old children to these preschools, and statistics show that this is being done more than ever. In fact, the demand for early childhood education is rapidly growing and the employment of preschool teachers is due to grow 10% from 2016 to 2026, which is faster than the average for all occupations. From 1990 to 2013, the rate of children being sent to preprimary programs has grown aggressively, with most of that growth taking place from 1990-2000 or so. And among three to five-year-olds who were in preschool programs in the year 2015, just over half, or 51%, were attending full-day programs. Trends also show that the children of highly educated parent are more likely to attend these schools, and 48% kids of grad degree parents go to preschool.
Interested parents may conduct an online search when they move to a new area or when their child becomes old enough, whether three or four or five years old, for preschool. The parents might use any personal references that they have, such as friends or relatives who have children enrolled in good preschools. Otherwise, the parents may conduct an online search to find a whole list of nearby preschools. Some might be too expensive or not have room for new students, or might be considered too far away. But parents can visit the others, and take their young child with them.
At the preschool, parents may consult the staff who work there to see their credentials and the funding of the school, and the child may get a clear impression of the school and its staff (and even the other kids). If the child feels comfortable and relaxed there, then that school may be a fine candidate.