The Youtube video “Using Trees To Control Weeds- Passive Revegetation talks about techniques to grow sugar cane in Australian riparian areas using native trees. Riverbank zones need to be managed with special care. This is where passive revegetation comes in.
Some areas on the riverbanks are home to grasses that attract insects and pests. These pests can cause serious damage to the sugar cane.
Farmers often use herbicides to kill off these grasses and protect the sugar cane. There are also certain native plants that are invasive and do not allow anything to grow around them, such as the Singapore daisy. This type of daisy hates shade, so farmers often grow shade trees to prevent it from growing.
The most problematic plant in the area is a climbing vine known as thunbergia. This plant grows over the top of large trees, eventually causing them to topple. Farmers can control thunbergia by using selective herbicides and pruning the vines.
Trees can provide many benefits for riparian areas, such as holding stream banks together, controlling weeds, and providing habitats for predators that kill off pests. Passive revegetation is a low-maintenance and cost-effective way to protect these areas and promote healthy sugar cane growth.