Private Schools Winning the Numbers Every Day

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There are many benefits of working in a or having students attend a private school. Private schools tend to be smaller than other schools, most notably public schools who have a great deal of students often because they are free to go to, only requiring books to be paid for and sometimes not even that.

The average school size in 2011-2012 was 146 students across all private schools. 96% of all private schools in 2011-2012 were co-educational, while 2% enrolled all girls and 2% enrolled all boys. Private schools have the attraction that there are fewer students, which generally means more one on one time with teachers.

They also allow members of the opposite sex to interact with one another, talk to another, and get to know one another, which filters in socialization between the sexes, and that is important for a number of reasons. It is important that a member of one sex identifies with a member of the opposite sex. This facilitates growth among students.

There are 33,619 private schools in the United States, serving 5.4 million Pre-K to 12th grade students. They are remarkably small in size. 87% of private schools have fewer than 300 students. And private school teachers tend to be well-educated, even perhaps compared to their public school counterparts.

Typically 60% to 80% of private school teachers will have an advanced degree. Small class sizes with student-to-teacher ratios of 12:1 are fairly common in college prep schools. These schools are generally private in nature, requiring admission and a tuition fee. There are many advantages of private school. Someone can search private schools near me.

This is considering that in public schools it is not uncommon for a teacher to be faced with the task of teaching a classroom of 20 or more students. This number can rise often to 30 students or more, making it possible that there will disruptions in the class environment due to the issues the teacher may face controlling the classroom.

Most of the students in private schools are weighted to the Pre-K grade level. Most students are weighted in the Pre-K through 8th grade levels, according to one statistic. This statistic states the number of students enrolled total in private schools from Pre-K to 8th grade:

According to the Condition of Education 2016 report, in the 2013-14 school year, 4.1 million students were enrolled in private school from prekindergarten to eighth grade. In the 2011-12 school year, only 4 million students were enrolled in private school from prekindergarten to eighth grade.

It’s easier to see that this number is growing compared to previous years, with 100,000 more students enrolled in Pre-K through 8th grade. The power of private schooling is that there are small classroom sizes, the teachers have advanced degrees, there is co-education, there is the ability to prep for college, and others.

Private schools give students the option of attending “advanced” level classes, such as law or microbiology, which may be difficult to teach in a public school due to lack of resources. There are many positive things about private schools that get unnoticed by the public. They do cost money but many parents think private schools are good for children.

There are other statistics about private schools as well:

  • Private schools account for 25 percent of the nation’s schools and enroll 10 percent of all PK-12 students.
  • According to the Condition of Education 2016 report, there were 441,000 private schools teachers in the 2013-14 school year.
  • Of the 305,842 private high school graduates in 2010?11, some 64 percent attended 4-year colleges by the fall of 2011.

There are issues facing private and college prep schools though, some that get unnoticed. Many private schools are religious-based schools, which means they will teach religion courses and have religious rituals like masses and things like that. Many private schools require a hefty tuition price, which increases the level of wealthy families in schools.

While there are typically small class sizes and more one on one time with the teachers, there are still issues with classroom management, as a teacher may have a difficult time in a classroom due to difficult and demanding students. Those are some of the issues facing public and private schools, but private education is important.

They are worth pursuing.

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