The 1,837 U.S. colleges and universities currently employ over 2,925,703 people. The number of college jobs, including teaching jobs and administrative jobs in education, rose by 9.4% every year from 2009 to 2014 — and, today, the outlook is looking even better. And that means now is the perfect time to peruse college job listings and secure employment. Here are a few tips to get you started:
Get A Head Start
Nearly all college jobs, whether they are administrative jobs in education or formal teaching positions, require a college degree. If it’s still an option, that is also the perfect time to get your foot in the door. Unfortunately, many employers fear that recent college grads simply aren’t up for the job. “A Gallup survey found 96% of university provosts around the country think that their college graduates are prepared for employment, but only 11% of business leaders agree with that,” NewsWorks.com writes. One way for candidates to demonstrate job readiness is to work part-time in their field and/or secure a relevant internship while they are still earning their degree.
Keep An Open Mind
All applicants can vastly increase their chances of successfully getting a job by keeping an open mind. While it is certainly admirable to have specific goals, it is also wise to see what’s available and remain flexible. About.com suggests outlining your skills, and using a list of your targeted skills to guide your job application process. For example, marketers may do well as in an alumni affairs, admissions, or college events officer role.
As Always, Networking Is Key
Networking is absolutely critical, especially when it comes to securing competitive jobs in colleges. Touch base with old professors, and ask them for a list of contacts. The alumni office may also be able to help you assemble a list of contacts in your field.
Securing college jobs isn’t necessarily easy. However, there are a growing number of opportunities, and — with some dedication and work — it is more than possible to get a job at a college or university within a reasonable amount of time.