For many parents, getting help for children with learning disabilities is an uphill struggle. Often, public schools do not have the resources to offer services from which special needs children can benefit, such as different teaching approaches, use of technology, and specifically adapted teaching areas and resource rooms. Fortunately, there are many special education programs for kids with special needs, offering many different programs.
Some of the most common special needs include developmental disorders, physical disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, and challenges with learning and communication. Another extremely common disorder is autism, with 1 in 50 school-aged children diagnosed with some form, according to the CDC.
What is autism? One of the three recognized disorders on the autism spectrum (ASDs), autism is a disorder of neural development, characterized by restricted and repetitive behavior and impaired social interaction and communication. The other autism spectrum disorders are Asperger Syndrome, which lacks delays in cognitive development and language, and pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (commonly abbreviated as PDD-NOS), which is diagnosed when the full set of criteria for autism or Asperger syndrome is not met.
Some of the characteristics of children with autism include using less eye contact and turn taking. They also lack the ability to express themselves with simple gestures, such as pointing. To help children with autism gain skills in self care and communication, as well as social skills, cognitive or behavioral intervention is best administered as early as possible.
Sending children with learning disabilities and other special needs to a special school can be extremely beneficial. Special needs schools are better equipped to encourage the educational success of children with physical disabilities, learning difficulties, or behavioral problems. Often, the staff are trained to provide better help for children with learning disabilities, and enjoy seeing the children do well.